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Corporate Responsibility

What we stand for with our name and reputation

Corporate Responsibility

SAACKE is aware of its responsibility towards customers, partners and employees not only because of its worldwide activities.   We also give consideration to social and environmental well-being in our corporate thinking.

Our corporate responsibility is founded on our long-standing tradition. As a reliable and committed partner, we have always strived to establish business relationships built on trust. We feel that we have an obligation to work with pioneering technologies and to constantly improve our performance with innovative ideas. We meet our customers as advisors and trusted partners with the aim of strengthening and safeguarding the business success of both parties.

These efforts are matched by our striving to safeguard the well-being of our society. The protection of the environment plays a major role here. Our quality awareness is therefore guided by long service lives, the highest energy efficiency and the lowest emission values. We are heading in the right direction here with the use of alternative fuels. Our goal is "Waste to Energy" – for minimum environmental impact. We also offer efficiency analyses and retrofits to adapt existing plants to the highest environmental standards.

Particular attention is also focused on long-term personnel development. For our staff that means being able to take advantage of continuous further training, coaching and seminars. Their willingness to undergo further qualification receives every possible support from us. Flat hierarchies and project work give every employee the opportunity to bring in their own ideas and personal experience. That gives a structure to responsible working. This positive, family-like working atmosphere derives from the "SAACKE spirit" represented by the employees in every country. 

Together we can achieve more. We wish to demonstrate responsible and forward-looking attitude towards the environment, employees and customers at all times.